Recovering Communication

“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” Anon

We had to congratulate our parrot for it was doing its best to send a letter. It would shred the paper and with its lack of words, communication was not its forte. But mission work is largely about communication—telling the story of Jesus with the hope He brings.

Ken Roth was part of a volunteer team in Haiti. But Ken and the child knew about conversation beyond words.







The names of this musical group escapes my memory; but music is a great way of passing on a message.





This class of children met in our front room in Neves Paulista. Doris not only opened her home to the children but often taught this same class. Her gift opened up opportunities for communication.

Henriqueta was a great neighbour lady who often went out on the streets in Rio Preto to pass out Gospel tracts and invite people to her church. The blond lad no doubt had connections to the large German population in Brazil.


Baptisms brought in not only the families of those being baptized but many who came to watch. Adult baptism had a message for everyone at the water.






P.A. systems often roamed the streets atop vehicles. I often became involved using this  vehicle with a P.A. to invite folks to our church planting projects. It was all about communication the Gospel.

My beautiful picture

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