Trusting in Providence and Prudence

“For a man’s ways are in full view of the Lord, and he examines all his plans.” Proverbs 5:21

I’ve touched before on our total unpreparedness for Brazil and how it all worked out. I am not sure just how much we trusted in God watching over us, perhaps more in our own ability and prudence in any situation.

In 1955 the planes all used the piston engines with props. It was an incredibly slow trip with our baby but the airline let us keep baby formula for her in their frig.

(This is an edited review from other postings.) We went to Brazil but we had no one to meet us. We could not say one word in Portuguese and that was so important for not many there speak English. We had no Brazilian money and Canadian money was not often accepted. We had no sure idea of the city where we were going so it seemed we were marching off the end of the world. Strange? We went to Brazil as missionaries living by faith–some might call that foolish gambling.

Here is the Musselman family, one of the two couples we met on the plane to Brazil. You may not see their wings–they are just folded out of view.



What happened is that God sent his angels to keep us not only safe but get us ready for his work in Brazil. Here is what happened. When our prop plane took off from Porto Rico after refueling, two other couples boarded with each having small children. They were Mennonite missionaries going to Brazil and when they found out our predicament they offered the help of one of their families in São Paulo. These folks helped us through customs, and then explained that  Campinas, the city with a language school was too far away to take a taxi. They did get us to the bus station and paid the taxi fare. They bought our tickets, escorted us over an hour away to Campinas and there arranged a modest hotel.

Not only will I ever respect and appreciate those Mennonite missionaries but when I think of the chance of them meeting us at that airport—it seems now an impossible situation. You see, they had missed the plane the day before. We all could say it was just chance. Perhaps, but what a wonderful chance—for us better than winning the 649 lottery. When incidents happen like that again and again and again, I can only say that God’s angels were there all that time. Not just all the time but working overtime. Wow.


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